Michael Bedford


I hold a Bachelor of Information Technology with a major in programming paradigms from Queensland University of Technology, where my assessment pieces were recognized in the Hall of Fame and were used as examples for other students. A notable achievement during my studies was successfully completing a challenging project to develop the game Snake for an integrated circuit with only 4kb of ROM and RAM memory.

In addition to my coursework, I pursued elective courses in game design, chemistry, and mathematics, and dedicated a year to engineering studies to broaden my skill set. During my academic years, I worked at two telecommunications infrastructure firms, where I employed my skills in programming to automate, processes, and enhance efficiency. My programs replaced off-the-shelf project management software and streamlined administrative workflows, significantly reducing task completion time. These programs became integral to work order management and reporting across the organization, benefiting both staff members and clients.

The system I developed could perform complex live scheduling predictions, tracking progress across multiple stages of project management, and generating a range of reports viewable live or exportable in different report styles. It also supported the generation of necessary compliance documents for clients and regulatory bodies, such as Queensland Transport and various councils. My innovations in administration were invaluable in developing my experiences with programming in the workplace.

Following the completion of my university degree, I sought employment in a formal software development role, which led me to join Superloop. At Superloop, I have utilised my formal software development skills to create a robust system for tracking and deploying configurations to network devices. This system automates the provisioning of new customer services. Additionally, I am responsible for maintaining and updating various scripts and applications, such as DDOS mitigation systems, network state reporting, live log analysis and alerting, device configuration generation and deployment, and network shaping.

References will be provided on request or at time of interview. If you wish to organise an interview you can contact me via email.


2019 Bachelor of Information Technology - Majoring in Programming Paradigms

Queensland University of Technology


March 2021 - ongoing Superloop

Network Automation Software Developer

2018 - 2020 Accelerate Communications

Systems Administration and Development, Warehouse Manager, CAD Design

2017 - ongoing Sunset Orange

Freelance Software Developer

2013 - 2017 ISGM

FSD Manager, CAD Design, Software Development, Administration